Hugo Simão
MSc Student
I am an Industrial Designer and Academic Researcher focused on IoT technology and Human-Robot Interaction studies regarding the perception of the impact and acceptance in humans. For this, my approach is essentially User-Centered Design and Research Through Design. I am currently finishing my MSc where the main topic is the development of a small robot to help people with Alzheimer’s in their routine management.
Diogo Branco, Ana C. Pires, Hugo Simão, Ana Gomes, Ana Pereira, Joana Sousa, Luísa Barros, Tiago Guerreiro
INTERACT 2021 ‑ International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September, 2021
Ana Cristina Pires, Filipa Rocha, António Barros, Hugo Simão, Hugo Nicolau, Tiago Guerreiro
IDC 2020 ‑ ACM Interaction Design and Children
Hugo Simão, Tiago Guerreiro
CHI 2019 ‑ In The CHI EA '19 Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems